Recycled Creativity 5

Here we are - its the 5th time when Recycled Creativity Festival welcomes craftivists and environmentalists, artists and activists, friends and supporters to come togather and celebrate the sustainable life practices. We are happy to see every one of you - musicians, artists, workshop facilitators, vo:kü masters, cake bakers, graphic designers, massage and yoga experts, writers and bike riders, helpfull hands and free minds as well as sewing experts and trashion queens and kings! Recycled Creativity as an alternative, offers participative and interactive experience from the organisation until partying - festival is organised by group of friends, but carried through by volunteers and people who support such ideas as reducing the waste and diy. As every year, we wouldnt be here without the support and care of Wagenburg Löhmuehle people, Loesje e. V. crew, Kulturlabor Trial & Error e. V. forces as well as the webmaster Eelektrischerwahlfisch and our lovely hostess Niti Dingra. Thank You also to our everlasting volunteer power, what brings loads of positive energy! Happy every day, dear recycling friends, but this time - lets celebrate the 5th birthday together!
POSTER (Din/A3 - farbig - PDF)
Festival Location:
Wagenplatz Lohmühle
Lohmühlenstraße 17
12435 Berlin, Deutschland
This festival is actually a Guerilla Festival. It might look established and strong to many of you, because it’s happening for the 5th time in the same beautiful location. It’s still Guerilla. It’s still a meeting point for “alternativers” and a gift to “the DIY Community”. The Community can be a very empty word, when used by commercialised Berlin Partner-based “Designy” festivals that stand with juicy sponsors behind them. For Recycled Creativity we don’t have sponsors. We only have this melancholic Idea of making a Festival where everyone can join, spend some days learning to do things with our hands and reminding ourselves that we are on our way to a peaceful and long lasting revolution.
This year, with 2 new babies in the crew and a few goodbyes, the festival was organised between child cries and feeding, lots of changes and search for spiritual paths and some minutes of efforts here and there. You’d be amazed. But if you really know the Kulturlabor Trial & Error, you know what this collective is really like. :D
If you want to join the revolution already this week and help out at the Festival, some people are gathering at the Trial & Error Office on Friday the 13th to *Bake cakes* to offer the most amazing bake sale on Saturday. Mareschstr. 10 from 15h on! Come or contact for more details.
If you want to help the chefs of our VOKÜ this is the Loesje call: You are all invited to come and eat and prepare! Those of you who would like to help: we are meeting on Friday 13th of September to collect the groceries around Kreuzberg and Alt-Treptow and then prepare them into a wonderful meal. You can bring friends, a bike, a backpack and a lucky charm. For exact meeting places please contact
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